Play is the highest form of research

- Albert Einstein -

Time with FSEL Group

September 2022

February 2020

Hobby: Soccer, Golf, Tennis, Ski

Traveling All of the World

LA, US (Mar 2022)

Orlando, US (Mar 2019)

Chicago, US (Sep 2014)

Mexico (May 2014)

England (May 2014)

India (Apr 2014)

Finland (Dec 2013)

Italy (Dec 2013)

Turkey (Nov 2013)

Oman (Oct 2013)

Jordan (Oct 2013)

Qatar (Sep 2013)

Abu Dhabi, UAE (Jul 2013)

Hawaii, US (May 2012)

Japan (Aug 2010)

Philippines (Jun 2009)

Adelaide, Australia (Nov 2007)

Sydney, Australia (Feb 2007)